My Church
A photographic portrait of Christian expression in Manchester and Salford
‘Religion on the Decline’, ‘Congregations Dwindle’, ‘Death of Christianity’… Recent news headlines paint a bleak picture of Christianity in our country today. However this picture isn’t one I experience as a Christian myself; the faith I see in Manchester and Salford is vibrant, fresh and growing. Communities of faith are emerging in all sorts of unexpected places: coffee shops, council estates, prisons, schools and pubs, as the Christian gospel is met with genuine interest.
This project aims to highlight some of the spectrum of this broad church in Manchester and Salford. I intentionally went searching for some of the most interesting expressions of church and found people of extraordinary faith, living heartfelt and selfless lives.
It’s presented from my viewpoint as a personal account of the wider church I belong to, drawing together different traditions and styles with the hope of demonstrating their commonality.